September 22th, 2022, 1:30 p.m. (GTM +3)

Mastering Node.js

Asynchronous flow

Online workshop

Free with Registration, 2.5 hours

  • Lithuania
  • Ukraine
  • Georgia

Register Now

What will we talk about?

  • We will discuss and practice how to manage asynchronous flow in Node applications
  • We will consider a number of ways, starting with Event Loop queues, Task Queue patterns, and finishing with working threads to ensure that you choose the best approach for your task
  • We will go beyond the theory to take a closer look at micro frontends
  • We will get some practice with Module federation and explore why it’s a proper solution for large teams
  • We will discuss how NX can help us

Who should attend the workshop?

  • Node.JS Specialists
  • Back-end Developers
  • Solution Architects

Meet our speaker

Yauheni Pozdnyakov

Solution Architect

  • Started in 2016 as a Junior and worked his way up to a Solutions Architect in 2022
  • Focuses mainly on JavaScript, Golang, AWS, Azure Cloud and distributed systems. Has production experience in blockchain
  • Obtained an MBA from BSU
  • Actively participated in the design and development of Mercer’s most successful project of the last 20 years
  • Pioneered the development of Verifiable Credentials standards based on Blockchain, alongside Microsoft
  • Enjoys traveling, cars, literature, and philosophy

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